Saturday, May 21, 2016

Unit 3: Favorite People

May 14, 2016

Lesson A: Celebrities

Descriptions: Read the descriptions below. Pay attention to how the sentences are written.

He's an actor

He's good-looking

His movies are great

They're soccer players

Their matches are amazing

Their match is amazing

 She's a singer

Her voice is good

She is very talented

Her videos are interesting

Be statements

Possesive adjectives

Remember: El verbo To Have significa "tener" por ejempo: 
+ I have a shirt = Yo tengo una camisa
+ My shirt is green = Mi camisa es verde

May 21, 2016

Lesson B: People we know

You can use these adjectives to describe people you know (friends, family, neighbors, etc) 

Do the exercise below !! describe The Simpsons !!

Yes/No questions

Lesson C: Family

Numbers from 10 to 100

You can watch this VIDEO to listen to the pronunciation


Oral Presentation
Create your own Family Tree, you have to describe each family member using the following structures:

  • This is / These are
  • His/ Her name is...
  • Age: He's / She's  70 years old
  • Descriptions (subject + To Be conjugated + Adjective) ex. My Father is great

Lesson D

Conversation strategy: ...a writer? really?

We use this structure to show interest

A: So, who is that?
B: That's my cousin, Sarah, she's a writer.
A: a writer? really?
B: Yes, she's quite famous.

Esta estructura es bastante sencilla, para mostrar interés en una conversación, simplemente hay que repetir la ultima cosa que una persona dice (si lo consideramos algo interesante o sorprendente) y lo hacemos pregunta, luego agregamos el Really? para enfatizar más aun la sorpresa y el interés o formulamos una pregunta nueva.

More examples: 

A: Where are you from?
B: I'm from France.
A: France? really? I Paris a nice city?
B: Yes, it is.
A: My co-workers are nice.
B: Really? what about your boss?
A: She's great. And she's not very strict.


Friday, May 20, 2016

Unit 2: In Class

    Here you can find a list of objects found on the classroom :)  
Exercise !!

Match the image with the name
A / AN

Prepositions of place

Questions with "Where"

Unit 1: All About You

There are many ways of saying Hello !
(Hay muchas formas de decir Hola!)


How are you?

Watch this video for other anwers >>>>>>>  Other Answers to "How are you?"

The verb "To Be"


Due date Sat February 18th, 2017