Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Unit 12: Fabulous Food

Lesson A: Eating habits

Countable VS Uncountable Nouns
Los sustantivos contables son aquellos que podemos pluralizar: (an apple = 2 apples, a cake= seven cakes)
Los no contables, son los que son imposibles de pluralizar: ( a water? X incorret, Some water = correct!)

la primer columna muestra las formas de pluralizar los nouns: generalmente solo se le agrega S al final: Apple --- Apples
pero en otros casos cambia, Atencion !

Lesson B: What's for dinner?

Types of food

                   Meat                                                   Seafood                        

Would you like VS Would you like to

Would you like +  countable or uncountable noun
Would you like some milk?
Would you like 3 cookies?

Would you like to +  verb + compl
Would you like to play soccer?
Would you like to eat dinner with us?

Any / Some

We use SOME in:
* Affirmative sentences with countable or uncountable nouns
I want some cookies.
She wants some water.

*Questions (requests) with WOULD
Would you like some ketchup with your fries?

We use ANY in:
* Negative sentences with countable or uncountable nouns
I don't want any cookies.
She doesn't want any water.

*Questions with DO
Do you need any money?
Do you want any snack from the fridge?

**** PRACTICE ****

Unit 12 oral and written activity

Students will write about their favorite food ! they'll have to explain why they like it, where is it from and what are the ingredients.


My favorite food is pizza. It is an italian dish. I love it because it is very tasty and delicious. my favorite toppings are some peperoni, some mushrooms and some bacon. I dont like any vegetables on my pizza. but I also like a 4 cheese pizza with no toppings at all. I usually eat it twice a month. My favorite restaurant is Domino's. I think their pizza is the best! 

Unit 11: Looking Back

Unit 10: Busy Lives

Simple Past

Questions with simple past

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Unit 9: A Wide World

Lesson A: Sightseeing

Sorry guys, but I cannot upload the presentation because it was on the classroom's computer
here's a video with the explaination how to use CAN:


HOMEWORKWrite a list of 5 things you CAN do, and 5 things you CAN'T do. 

Lesson B: 

Questions with can :
(Questions word) + can + subject + verb + compliment
Where                     can       we       go out      tonight?

Lesson C:

A kind of     +  General noun   
(un tipo de)
A banana is a kind of fruit

Kind of like  + singular noun  
(similar/parecido a)
Crêpes are kind of like pancakes

Unit 8: Shopping

Lesson A: Clothes
Like to / Want to / Need to / Have to

Like to
it's used for an action that you enjoy.
I like to play video games.
She likes to cook.

Want to
It's used for an action that you wish to do.
I want to travel to Europe.
They want to learn japanese.

Need to 
It's used for an action that you should do.
You need to study more.
He needs to eat more vegetables.

Have to
It's used for an action that must be done, like orders.
She has to clean her room.
You have to wook together.

Lesson 2: Things to buy

Question:How much + To Be+ IT/THEY? = ¿Cuánto es?
Answer: It/They + To Be + amount
How much is it? 
It's $10.99 (Ten, nineny-nine)

How much  + IS + This / That + Singular noun?
How much is this jacket?
R/ It's $12.50 (twelve fifty)
How much  + ARE + These / Those + PLURAL noun?
How much are there gloves?
They are $6 (six dollars)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Unit 7: Out and about

August 20th

Lesson A: Away for the weekend

Present Continuous


[SUJET] verb to be (am/are/is) + VERB[+ING] + Complement

Example with verb SING 

Rules to conjugate verbs with -ing

Se sustituye la terminación "-ie" por "-ying" .

 verbos acabados en -e

Se sustituye la "-e" final por "-ing"

Doblado de la consonante final

Numerosos verbos doblan su consonante final para formal el gerundio:
Para que se realice el doblado se tienen que cumplir estas condiciones:
  1. Que la palabra acabe en una única consonante (que no sea r, w, x ó y) [ejemplo: set]
  2. Que la última consonante sea precedida de una única vocal. [ejemplo: le]
  3. Que la palabra sea monosílaba (e.g. sit, get) o bien que termine la palabra en "L"
Negative Form

La negación con los verbos normales  es muy simple:

[SUJET] +  ver "to be" (am/are/is) + NOT+ VERB [+ING] + Comp

I am not singing
yo no estoy cantando
he is not singing
él no está cantando

Question / Interrogative Form

Para construir la interrogación simplemente hay que invertir el orden del sujeto y del verbo to be:

Estructura de la interrogación:

Am/Are/Is + [SUJET] + VERB [+ing] + ?

am I singing?¿estoy cantando?
are you singing?¿estás cantando?
is he singing?¿está cantando?
are we singing?¿estamos cantando?
are you singing?¿estáis cantando?
are they singing?¿están cantando?


El "present continuous" se usa para:
  • Acciones que se están haciendo en el mismo momento que se habla
    I am eating an apple
    Yo estoy comiendo una manzana

  • Situaciones que toman  bastante tiempo (pueden tomar semanas, meses o años) puede que no las estemos haciendo en este preciso instante, pero aun no hemos terminado dicha acción. 
    I am studying medicine to become a doctor
    Yo estoy estudiando medicina para convertirme en doctor

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Unit 6:Neighborhoods

July 16th, 2016

Lesson A: Nice Places

Here is some extra vocabulary !!

An here is a list of adjectives !! You have to search the meaning 

REMEMBER: Adjetives go before nouns:

a beautiful park
an impressive museum
some crowded stores 

July 23rd
Lesson B: What time is it?
How to tell Time

There are 2 ways to tell time

1) Hour + minutes

(5:00)   It's five o'clock
 (5:05)  It's five oh five
(5:15)  It's five fifteen
(5:30)  It's five thirty
(5:47)  It's five forty seven

*Note: You can also add AM (if it's before 12) or PM (if it's after 12)
(5:15)  It's five fifteen AM
(5:30)  It's five thirty PM
(5:47)  It's five forty seven PM

2) minutes + past/to + hour

Questions with WHAT TIME

Recuerden, el orden será siempre el mismo que hemos visto en clases (según las palabras que les dan para usar)

Basic Structure:

WH Questions Word  +         aux          +    Subject        +     Verb     +     Comp     +  ?

                             What time                do                  you              leave home  in the morning ?
                        (*) What time           does      your favorite tv show      start                             ?

                               What time              do                 museums               open     in the weekends?

                               What time            does       your best friend           get home in the weekends?

(*) In some cases, you don't need a complement

Lesson C: Me too

Me too = Yo tambien

A: I like dogs
B: Me too !

If you agree and the first sentence is AFFIRMATIVE, the answer will be Me Too

Me neither = Yo tampoco

A: I don't like cats
B: Me neither

If you agree and the first sentence is NEGATIVE, the answer will be Me Neither


Write a short paragraph about your neiborhood, use There is / There Are and adjectives to describe it !! The students will pass upfront to recite it


I live in an excellent neighborhood. It's called Sierra Morena and it is very nice and quiet.There are a lot of great "pupuserias" here. There are also some incredible restaurants of mexican food. There is a small sport center with  some basketball courts, some soccer fields and there's a playground for the kids too. There is a very convenient mall nearby called Plaza Mundo. I really love my neigborhood.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Unit 5: Free time

June 28th, 2016

Lesson A: Going Out

Information questions

We use them to ask for someting. example:
What do you do in your free time?

We use the question words:

What  ----  things or activities
What do you do? R/ I work and study (activities)

Who -----  People
Who are you? R/ I'm your new teacher.

Where ----- Places
Where are we going for dinner? R/ To Pizza Hut.

When ----  Specific time
When do you work? R/ I work on saturdays 

How often ---- Number of times
How often do you go to the gym? R/ I go to the gym 3 times a week.

July 2nd

Lesson B: TV Shows
Frequency Adverbs
They express how often you do an activity
Pay attention to the structure below

In this link (Types of TV Shows) you will find different types of tv show

Expressing likes and dislikes

            Lesson C: Do you go straight home?

We use double questions to show more interest or to say something in adifferent way

What do you do after class? Do you go straight home?

Are you busy in the evenigs? I mean, do you have a part time job?

Las palabras "I mean" se usan para decir las cosas de una manera distinta o para agregar información adicional y mostrar interés en la conversación.


TASK: The students will write a short paragraph (this will be the writen evaluacion for unit 5) and  talk about their favorite TV show (This will be the Oral evaluation) and describe: 
  • how often they see it, 
  • what’s the plot about, 
  • describe the main characters, 
  • Explain why they love it
etc. they will have to use the structures and functions seen in these units.
* Students can bring a poster, PowerPoint Presentation or a link of the trailer we can play in youtube (This is opcional, but the short paragraph on a sheet of paper is mandatory)

My Favorite TV Show

My favorite TV show is Game of Thrones. I usually watch it once a week. It´s about 4 families (The Starks, Baratheons, Lannisters and Targaryens) that try to rule over the 7 kingdoms. The main characters are Jon Snow, who is a loyal and honorable warrior and Daenerys Targaryen, who is a queen with 3 dragons. I love this show because it´s so unpredictable. You never know what is going to happen to your favorite characters.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Unit 4: Everyday Life

June 4, 2016

June 11

Now, you can do this exercise, change the sentence in the right to the negative and interrogative form:
 (Aff) I study in the evening. (Neg) I don't study in the evening. (Int) Do I study in the evening?


Bring your own routine with at least10 activities you do every day (7 in affirmative and 3 in negative form) 
you can chose any activity from this picture

and you can watch this video to see how to do your presentation: