Saturday, October 1, 2016

Unit 8: Shopping

Lesson A: Clothes
Like to / Want to / Need to / Have to

Like to
it's used for an action that you enjoy.
I like to play video games.
She likes to cook.

Want to
It's used for an action that you wish to do.
I want to travel to Europe.
They want to learn japanese.

Need to 
It's used for an action that you should do.
You need to study more.
He needs to eat more vegetables.

Have to
It's used for an action that must be done, like orders.
She has to clean her room.
You have to wook together.

Lesson 2: Things to buy

Question:How much + To Be+ IT/THEY? = ¿Cuánto es?
Answer: It/They + To Be + amount
How much is it? 
It's $10.99 (Ten, nineny-nine)

How much  + IS + This / That + Singular noun?
How much is this jacket?
R/ It's $12.50 (twelve fifty)
How much  + ARE + These / Those + PLURAL noun?
How much are there gloves?
They are $6 (six dollars)

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